World Organization for Development
The World Organization for Development has been endowed with consultative status with the UN ECOSOC since 2014. The World Organization for Development, which has consultative status wich the UN ECOSOC, develops and implements Global Initiatives to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The winners of the World Award “Business Angel for SDGs” 2022 have been announced in the following categories


On December 20, the official ceremony of announcing the winners of the Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” #SDGAction40297, who made a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the regions of the Russian Federation, took place in the Moscow City business center. The Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” includes twelve international awards corresponding to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and has been awarded in the Russian Federation since 2010. The first awards were presented to the laureates of the World Award “Business Angel for SDGs” 2022. 

The organizer of the award, the World Organization for Development, based on the candidates provided by the leadership of the Russian regions for competitive selection, as a result of data received from artificial intelligence for territorial entities (AITE) and the analytical service WOD-Research, announced the winners of the first stage of the Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” in series of Awards: “Innovation Angel”, “Technology Angel”, “Investment Angel”, “Women Angels for SDGs”, “Business Angel for SDGs”.

World Organization for Development announced the results of the World Award “Business Angel for SDGs” 2022
On December 20, 2022, the winners of the World Award “Business Angel for SDGs” 2022 were announced in the following categories:

*In the nomination “Business Angel in the field of private investments in the agro-industrial complex and agriculture” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 2: Eliminate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, the winners are announced:

Pavlyuk Denis Petrovich, Chairman of SPSSK “Novgorodsky Agrarian”;
Pireev Ivan Ivanovich, Peasant Economy Pireev Ivan Ivanovich;
*In the nomination “Business Angel in the field of private investments in medicine, pharmaceuticals and a healthy lifestyle” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 3: Ensuring a healthy lifestyle and promoting well-being for all at any age, the winner was announced:
Bugaenko Evgeniy Valerievich, director of BI CLINIC LLC;
*In the nomination “Business Angel in the field of private investments in innovation” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 9: Building a strong infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation, the winners are announced:
Petrov Alexander Vladimirovich, General Director of OKB-PLANET JSC;
Muratshin Maxim Khalilovich, General Director of KELAST LLC.

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